P-05-902 Paternal Mental Health (New Fathers Mental Health), Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 07.02.20


Thanks again for emailing me back about the petition. 


The news is great that father's are going to mentioned in policy and now im part of the ALL Wales Perinatal Mental Health Group aim to push to see Father's screening in place. 


We need to collect data of how many father's are struggling with their mental health during the antenatal and postnatal period. 


We know by research that men are 47 times more if risk of suicide around the perinatal mental health period as often go into other services at crisis point after the perinatal period.  


If it can be on record that my aim is to see all parents screened during the antenatal or postnatal period which must include new fathers and must come under the new policies set out in the new plan. 


Thanks again Mark Williams